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belief beliefs belies believability believable believably believe believed believer believers believes believing belike belittle belittled belittles belittling bell belladonna bellbottoms belle belled belles bellicose bellicosity bellies belligerence belligerent belligerently belligerents bellow bellowed bellowing bellows bells belly bellyful belong belonged belonging belongings belongs beloved below belt belted belting beltings belts belying bemoan bemoaned bemoaning bemoans bemuse bemused bemusedly bemusement ben bench benches benchmark benchmarking benchmarks bend bendable bended bender benders bending bendings bends beneath benediction benedictions benefaction benefactions benefactor benefactors benefactress benefice beneficence beneficent beneficial beneficially beneficiaries beneficiary benefit benefited benefiting benefits benelux benevolence benevolent benevolently bengal benighted benightedly benign benignity benignly benjamin bent benzene bequeath bequeathed bequeathing bequest bequests berate berated berating berber bereave bereaved bereavement bereavements bereaving bereft beret berets bergs berk berlin berliner bermuda bern berries berry berserk berth berthed berths beryl beryllium beseech beseeched beseeches beseeching beseechingly beset besets besetting beside besides besiege besieged besieging besmirch besot besotted bespattered bespeak bespeaking bespeaks bespectacled bespoke best bestial bestiality bestiary bestir bestirred bestirring bestknown bestow bestowal bestowals bestowed bestowing bestows bestride bestrode bests bestseller bestsellers bestselling bet beta betel betide betimes betoken betokened betokens betray betrayal betrayals betrayed betrayer betrayers betraying betrays betroth betrothal betrothed betroths bets betted better bettered bettering betterment betters betting between betwixt bevel bevelled bevelling bevels beverage beverages bevvy bevy bewail bewailed bewailing bewails beware bewhiskered bewilder bewildered bewildering 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birefringent birth birthday birthdays birthmark birthmarks birthplace birthrate birthright birthrights births biscuit biscuits biscuity bisect bisected bisecting bisects bisexual bisexuality bisexuals bishop bishopric bishoprics bishops bismarck bismuth bison bisons bissau bistable bistro bit bitch bitches bitchiness bitching bitchy bite biter biters bites biting bitingly bitmap bits bitten bitter bitterest bitterly bittern bitterness bitters bittersweet bittiness bitts bitty bitumen bituminous bivalve bivalves bivouac bivouacked bivouacs biweekly biz bizarre bizarrely bizarreness blab blabbed blabber blabbering blabs black blackball blackballed blackballing blackberries blackberry blackbird blackbirds blackboard blackboards blackcurrant blackcurrants blacked blacken blackened blackening blackens blacker blackest blackfly blackguard blackhead blackheads blacking blackish blackjack blackleg blacklist blacklisted blacklisting blacklists blackly blackmail blackmailed blackmailer blackmailers blackmailing blackmails blackness blackout blackouts blacks blacksea blackshirts blacksmith blacksmiths blackthorn bladder bladders blade bladed blades blah blame blameable blamed blameful blameless blamelessly blamelessness blames blameworthy blaming blanch blanched blanching blancmange bland blandest blandishments blandly blandness blank blanked blanker blanket blanketed blanketing blankets blanking blankly blankness blanks blare blared blares blaring blase blaspheme blasphemed blasphemer blasphemers blasphemies blaspheming blasphemous blasphemously blasphemy blast blasted blaster blasters blasting blasts blat blatancy blatant blatantly blaze blazed blazer blazers blazes blazing bleach bleached bleacher bleachers bleaches bleaching bleak bleaker bleakest bleakly bleakness blearily bleary blearyeyed bleat bleated bleating bleats bled bleed bleeder bleeders bleeding bleeds bleep bleeped bleeper bleeping bleeps blemish blemished blemishes blench blenched blend blended blender blenders blending blends blesbok bless blessed blessedness blesses blessing blessings blew blight blighted blighting blights blimp blimps blind blinded blinder blindest blindfold blindfolded blindfolds blinding blindingly blindly blindness blinds blink blinked blinker blinkered blinkering blinkers blinking blinks blip blips bliss blissful blissfully blister blistered blistering blisteringly blisters blithe blithely blithering blitz blitzkrieg blizzard blizzards bloat bloated bloating blob blobs bloc block blockade blockaded blockades blockading blockage blockages blockbuster blockbusters blockbusting blocked blockers blockhead blockheads blocking blockish blocks blocky blocs bloke blokes blond blonde blonder blondes blondest blondhaired blonds blood bloodbath bloodcurdling blooded bloodhound bloodhounds bloodied bloodier bloodies bloodiest bloodily bloodless bloodlessness bloodletting bloodline bloodlust bloodred bloods bloodshed bloodshot bloodsport bloodsports bloodstain bloodstained bloodstains bloodstock bloodstone bloodstream bloodsuckers bloodthirstier bloodthirstiest bloodthirsty bloodworm bloody bloodymindedness bloom bloomed bloomer bloomers blooming blooms bloomy blossom blossomed blossoming blossoms blot blotch blotched blotches blotchy blots blotted blotter blotting blouse blouses blow blowdried blowdrying blowed blower blowers blowfly blowing blowlamp blown blowpipe blowpipes blows blowtorch blowtorches blowup blubber blubbered blubbering bludgeon bludgeoned bludgeoning bludgeons blue bluebell bluebells blueberries blueberry bluebird bluebirds blueblooded bluebottle bluebottles bluecollar blueish bluemoon blueness bluenile blueprint blueprints bluer blues bluest bluesy bluff bluffed bluffer bluffers bluffing bluffs bluish blunder blunderbuss blundered blundering blunderings blunders blunt blunted blunter bluntest blunting bluntly bluntness blunts blur blurb blurbs blurred blurring blurry blurs blurt blurted blurting blurts blush blushed blusher blushers blushes blushing blushingly bluster blustered blustering blusters blustery bmus boa boar board boarded boarder boarders boardgames boarding boardings boardroom boardrooms boards boars boas boast boasted boaster boasters boastful boastfully boastfulness boasting boasts boat boated boater boaters boathouse boathouses boating boatload boatman boatmen boats boatswain bob bobbed bobbies bobbin bobbing bobbins bobble bobbles bobby bobcat bobs bobsled bobtail bobtails bode boded bodes bodice bodices bodied bodies bodiless bodily boding bodkin body bodybuilding bodyguard bodyguards bodywork boer boers boerwar boffin boffins bog bogey bogeyman bogeymen bogeys bogged boggiest bogging boggle boggled boggles boggling bogglingly boggy bogies bogs bogus bogy bohemian boil boiled boiler boilermakers boilers boiling boils boisterous boisterously bola bold bolder boldest boldface boldly boldness bole bolero boleyn bolivia bollard bollards bologna bolster bolstered bolstering bolsters bolt bolted bolting bolts bomb bombard bombarded bombardier bombarding bombardment bombardments bombards bombast bombastic bombasts bombay bombed bomber bombers bombing bombings bombs bombshell bonanza bonanzas bonbon bonbons bond bondage bonded bondholders bonding bondings bonds bone boned boneless bonemeal bones boney bonfire bonfires bong bongs bonier boniest bonn bonnet bonneted bonnets bonnie bonniest bonny bonobo bonsai bonus bonuses bony boo boobies booboo booby boobytrap boobytrapped boobytraps booed boohoo booing book bookable bookbinder bookbinders bookbinding bookcase bookcases booked bookends bookers bookie bookies booking bookings bookish bookkeeper bookkeeping booklet booklets bookmaker bookmakers bookmaking bookmark bookmarks books bookseller booksellers bookshelf bookshelves bookshop bookshops bookstall bookstalls bookwork bookworm bookworms boom boomed boomer boomerang boomeranging boomerangs booming booms boon boons boor boorish boorishly boorishness boors boos boost boosted booster boosters boosting boosts boot booted bootees booth booths booting bootlace bootlaces bootleg bootless bootprints boots bootstrap bootstraps booty booze boozed boozer boozers boozes bop bops boracic borate borates borax bordeaux border bordered borderer bordering borderline borders bore boreal bored boredom borehole boreholes borer borers bores boring boringly born bornagain borne borneo boron borough boroughs borrow borrowable borrowed borrower borrowers borrowing borrowings borrows borstal borstals bosnia bosom bosoms boson bosons boss bossed bosses bossier bossiest bossiness bossing bossy boston bosun botanic botanical botanically botanist botanists botany botch botched both bother bothered bothering bothers bothersome bothy botswana bottle bottled bottlefed bottlefeed bottleneck bottlenecks bottler bottles bottling bottom bottomed bottoming bottomless bottommost bottoms botulism boudoir boudoirs bouffant bougainvillea bough boughs bought boulder boulders boulevard boulevards bounce bounced bouncer bouncers bounces bouncier bounciest bouncing bouncy bound boundaries boundary bounded boundedness bounder bounders bounding boundless bounds bounteous bounties bountiful bountifully bounty bouquet bouquets bourbon bourbons bourgeois bourgeoisie bout boutique boutiques bouts bovine bow bowdlerisation bowdlerised bowdlerising bowed bowel bowels bower bowers bowie bowing bowl bowlder bowled bowler bowlers bowlines bowling bowls bowman bowmen bows bowsprit bowstring box boxed boxer boxers boxes boxful boxing boxoffice boxtops boxwood boxy boy boycott boycotted boycotting boycotts boyfriend boyfriends boyhood boyish boyishly boys boyscout bra brabble brabbled brabbles brace braced bracelet bracelets bracer braces brachiopods bracing bracingly bracken bracket bracketed bracketing brackets brackish bradawl bradycardia brag braggart braggarts bragged bragging brags brahman brahms braid braided braiding braids brail braille brain braincell braincells brainchild braindamaged braindead brainier brainless brainlessly brainlessness brainpower brains brainstorm brainstorming brainstorms brainteasers brainteasing brainwash brainwashed brainwashing brainwave brainwaves brainy braise braised brake braked brakes braking bramble brambles bran branch branched branches branching branchy brand branded brandies branding brandish brandished brandishes brandishing brands brandy brans bras brash brasher brashly brashness brasiers brasil brasilia brass brasserie brasses brassiere brassy brat brats bratty bravado brave braved bravely braver bravery braves bravest braving bravo braw brawl brawled brawler brawling brawls brawn brawnier brawniest brawny bray brayed braying brays braze brazen brazened brazenly brazenness brazier braziers brazil brazing breach breached breaches breaching bread breadandbutter breadboard breadboards breadcrumbs breaded breadfruit breadline breads breadth breadths breadwinner breadwinners break breakable breakage breakages breakaway breakaways breakdown breakdowns breaker breakers breakfast breakfasted breakfasting breakfasts breakin breaking breakins breakneck breakout breakpoint breakpoints breaks breakthrough breakthroughs breakup breakups breakwater breakwaters bream breast breastbone breasted breastfeed breastfeeding breasting breastplate breasts breaststroke breath breathable breathalysed breathalyser breathalysers breathe breathed breather breathes breathing breathings breathingspace breathless breathlessly breathlessness breaths breathtaking breathtakingly breathy breccias brecciated bred breech breeches breed breeder breeders breeding breeds breeze breezed breezes breezier breeziest breezily breezing breezy brethren breton breviary brevity brew brewage brewed brewer breweries brewers brewery brewing brews briar bribe bribed briber bribers bribery bribes bribing bricabrac brick brickbat brickbats bricked bricking bricklayer bricklayers bricklaying brickred bricks brickwork bridal bridals bride bridegroom bridegrooms brides bridesmaid bridesmaids bridge bridgebuilding bridged bridgehead bridges bridging bridle bridled bridles bridleway bridleways bridling brief briefcase briefcases briefed briefer briefest briefing briefings briefly briefs briers brig brigade brigades brigadier brigadiers brigand brigands bright brighten brightened brightening brightens brighter brightest brighteyed brightly brightness brightnesses brighton brilliance brilliancy brilliant brilliantly brim brimmed brimming brims brimstone brindled brine brines bring bringer bringing brings brink brinkmanship brinks briny brio brioche briquettes brisbane brisk brisker briskest briskly briskness bristle bristled bristles bristling bristly brit britain british britons brittle brittleness broach broached broaches broaching broad broadband broadcast broadcaster broadcasters broadcasting broadcasts broaden broadened broadening broadens broader broadest broadleaved broadloom broadly broadminded broadmindedness broadness broadsheet broadsheets broadside broadsides broadsword broadswords broadway brocade brocaded broccoli brochure brochures brogue brogues broil broiled broiler broiling broils broke broken brokenhearted brokenly broker brokerage brokered brokers broking bromide bromides bromine bronchi bronchial bronchitis bronco brontosaurus bronze bronzed bronzes brooch brooches brood brooded broodiness brooding broodingly broods broody brook brooklyn brooks broom brooms broomstick broomsticks broth brothel brothels brother brotherhood brotherinlaw brotherly brothers brothersinlaw broths brought brouhaha brow browbeat browbeaten browbeating brown browned browner brownest brownie brownies browning brownish brownness browns brows browse browsed browser browsers browses browsing bruise bruised bruiser bruisers bruises bruising brunch brunches brunei brunet brunets brunette brunettes brunt brunts brush brushed brushes brushing brushoff brushup brushwood brushwork brushy brusque brusquely brusqueness 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burette burg burgeon burgeoned burgeoning burgeons burger burgers burghers burglar burglaries burglars burglary burgle burgled burgles burgling burgundy burial burials buried buries burlesque burlesquing burlier burliest burly burma burmese burn burned burner burners burning burnings burnished burnishing burns burnt burp burped burping burps burr burrow burrowed burrowing burrows burs bursar bursaries bursars bursary burst bursted bursting bursts burundi bury burying bus buses bush bushel bushels bushes bushfire bushier bushiest bushiness bushing bushland bushman bushmen bushy busied busier busies busiest busily business businesses businesslike businessman businessmen businesswoman busk busker buskers busking busman busmen bussed bussing bust bustard bustards busted busters bustier busting bustle bustled bustles bustling busts busty busy busybodies busybody busying but butane butcher butchered butchering butchers butchery butler butlers buts butt butted butter buttercup buttercups 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cadger cadges cadmium cads caesar cafe cafes cafeteria cafeterias caftan caftans cage caged cages cagey cagiest caging cagoule cagoules cagy cahoots caiman caimans cain cairn cairns cairo cajole cajoled cajoling cake caked cakes caking calamities calamitous calamitously calamity calcareous calcification calcified calcify calcite calcium calculable calculate calculated calculatedly calculates calculating calculation calculations calculative calculator calculators calculus calcutta caldera caldron caldrons calendar calendars calf calibrate calibrated calibrates calibrating calibration calibrations calibrator calibrators calibre calico calif california caliper calipers caliph call callable called caller callers callgirl callgirls calligrapher calligraphic calligraphy calling callings calliper callipers callisthenics callous calloused callously callousness callow callowness calls callup callus calm calmed calmer calmest calming calmly calmness calms calorie calories calorific calorimeter calorimeters calorimetry calory calumniate calumnies calumny calvary calve calves calvin calving calypso cam camaraderie camber cambodia camcorder camcorders came camel camelhair camelot camels cameo camera cameraman cameramen cameras camerawork camisole camomile camouflage camouflaged camouflages camouflaging camp campaign campaigned campaigner campaigners campaigning campaigns campanile campanological campanologist campanology camped camper campers campfire campfires camphor camping camps campsite campsites campus campuses cams camshaft can canaan canada canadian canal canalisation canals canape canapes canard canaries canary canberra cancan cancel cancellation cancellations cancelled cancelling cancels cancer cancerous cancers candelabra candelas candid candidacy candidate candidates candidature candidatures candidly candies candle candlelight candlelit candlepower candles candlestick candlesticks candour candy cane caned canes canine canines caning canings canister canisters 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cardiac cardiff cardigan cardigans cardinal cardinality cardinals carding cardioid cardiologist cardiology cardiopulmonary cardiovascular cards care cared career careered careering careerism careerist careerists careers carefree careful carefully carefulness careless carelessly carelessness carer carers cares caress caressed caresses caressing caressingly caretaker caretakers carets careworn cargo caribou caricature caricatured caricatures caricaturisation caries caring carmine carnage carnages carnal carnality carnally carnation carnations carnival carnivals carnivore carnivores carnivorous carnivorousness carol carols carotene carotid carotin carouse carousel carousing carp carpal carpenter carpenters carpentry carpet carpeted carpeting carpets carping carport carports carps carrel carriage carriages carriageway carriageways carried carrier carriers carries carrion carrot carrots carroty carry carrycot carrying cars carsick cart carted cartel cartels carter carthorses cartilage carting cartload cartloads cartographer cartographers cartographic cartography carton cartons cartoon cartoonist cartoonists cartoons cartouche cartridge cartridges carts cartwheel cartwheels carve carved carver carvers carvery carves carving carvings caryatids casanova cascade cascaded cascades cascading cascara case casebook cased caseload caseloads casement casements cases casework cash cashbox cashed cashes cashew cashier cashiers cashing cashless cashmere casing casings casino cask casket caskets casks cassava casserole casseroles cassette cassettes cassock cassocks cassowary cast castanet castanets castaway castaways caste castellated caster casters castes castigate castigated castigates castigating casting castings castiron castle castled castles castling castoff castoffs castor castors castrate castrated castrating castration castrato casts casual casually casualness casuals casualties casualty casuistry cat cataclysm cataclysmic catacomb catacombs catalepsy catalogue catalogued cataloguer cataloguers catalogues cataloguing catalyse catalysed catalyses catalysing catalysis catalyst catalysts catalytic catamaran catamarans catanddog catapult catapulted catapulting catapults cataract cataracts catarrh catastrophe catastrophes catastrophic catastrophically catatonic catcalls catch catched catcher catchers catches catchier catchiest catching catchment catchphrase catchphrases catchword catchwords catchy catechism catechisms catechist catechists categorical categorically categories categorisation categorisations categorise categorised categorises categorising category cater catered caterer caterers catering caterpillar caterpillars caters caterwaul caterwauls catfish catgut catguts catharsis cathartic cathedral cathedrals catheter catheterisation catheters cathode cathodes catholic cation cationic cations catlike catnap catnip cats catsuit cattery cattle catwalk catwalks caucus caucuses caudal caught cauldron cauldrons cauliflower cauliflowers caulking causal causality causally causation causative cause caused causes causeway causeways causing caustic caustically caustics cauterise cauterising caution cautionary cautioned cautioning cautions cautious cautiously cautiousness cavalcade cavalier cavalierly cavaliers cavalry cavalryman cavalrymen cave caveat caveats caved cavein caveman cavemen caver cavern cavernous caverns cavers caves caviar caviare caviars caving cavitation cavities cavity cavort cavorted cavorting cavorts caw cawing cayman caymans cease ceased ceasefire ceasefires ceaseless ceaselessly ceases ceasing cedar cedars cedarwood cede ceded cedilla ceding ceilidh ceilidhs ceiling ceilings celandine celeb celebrant celebrants celebrate celebrated celebrates celebrating celebration celebrations celebratory celebrities celebrity celeriac celery celestial celestially celibacy celibate cell cellar cellars cellist cellists cello cellophane cells cellular cellulite celluloid cellulose celsius celtic cement cemented cementing cements cemeteries cemetery cenotaph censer censor censored censorial censoring censorious censoriousness censors censorship censure censured censures censuring census censuses cent centaur centaurs centenarians centenary centennial centigrade centime centimes centimetre centimetres centipede centipedes central centralisation centralise centralised centraliser centralisers centralises centralising centralism centralist centrality centrally centre centred centrefold centrefolds centreing centrepiece centrepieces centres centric centrifugal centrifugally centrifugation centrifuge centrifuged centrifuges centrifuging centring centripetal centrist centrists centroid centroids cents centuries centurion centurions century cephalopods ceramic ceramics ceramist cereal cereals cerebellum cerebral cerebrum ceremonial ceremonially ceremonials ceremonies ceremonious ceremoniously ceremony ceres cerise certain certainly certainties certainty certifiable certifiably certificate certificated certificates certification certified certifies certify certifying certitude certitudes cervical cervix cess cessation cessations cession cesspit cesspool cesspools cetacean ceylon chacha chad chafe chafed chafes chaff chaffed chaffinch chaffinches chaffing chafing chagrin chagrined chain chained chaining chains chainsaw chainsaws chainsmoke chainsmoked chainsmoking chair chaired chairing chairlift chairman chairmanship chairmanships chairmen chairperson chairpersons chairs chairwoman chairwomen chaldron chalet chalets chalice chalices chalk chalked chalking chalks chalky challenge challenged challenger challengers challenges challenging challengingly chamber chambered chamberlain chamberlains chambermaid chambermaids chamberpot chamberpots chambers chameleon chameleons chamfer chamfered chamois chamomile champ champagne champagnes champing champion championed championing champions championship championships champs chance chanced chancel chancellery chancellor chancellors chancellorship chancer chancery chances chancier chanciest chancing chancy chandelier chandeliers chandler change changeability changeable changed changeless changeling changeover changeovers changer changers changes changing channel channelled channelling channels chant chanted chanter chanteuse chanting chantings chantries chantry chants chaos chaotic chaotically chap chapel chapels chaperon chaperone chaperoned chaperones chaplain chaplaincy chaplains chaplain chapman chapped chapping chaps chapter chapters char charabanc character characterful characterisation characterisations characterise characterised characterises characterising characteristic characteristically characteristics characterless characters charade charades charcoal charcuterie chared charge chargeable charged charger chargers charges charging chariot charioteer charioteers chariots charisma charismas charismatic charismatically charismatics charitable charitably charities charity charlady charlatan charlatans charles charlie 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clamour clamoured clamouring clamours clamp clampdown
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GSlot Casino - 200 free spins and 100% free bonus code

GSlot Casino - 200 free spins and 100% free bonus code

GSlot Casino Review & Promotions
Create your account at GSlot Casino as a new player and enjoy 200 free spins on Book of Dead! Next, get 100% up to 200 EUUSD on your first deposit. This exclusive welcome bonus is time limited! Hurry Up!!!
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Main Information

Gslot Casino was established in 2020 by N1 Interactive Limited. Powered by SoftSwiss, is is easy to navigate and offers a strong slot game selection of more than 5,000 titles, from big names such as Yggdrasil, Microgaming, and NetEnt.
Jackpot games and table games, such as multiple versions of roulette and blackjack are also offered and there is a good selection of live dealer games.
Gslot complies with Maltese and European laws and is a safe and secure website. Players can also set up a two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra security if they so choose.
There’s 24-hour customer support, and a VIP club with ten levels, where players are rewarded for playing time based on the amount but also the consistency of their deposits.


The Gslot welcome offer is a three-part deposit bonus available to new customers when they join Gslot, which is broken down as follows:
First deposit – minimum 20 EUR, use bonus code G100 to receive 100% match bonus up to 100 EUR + 100 free spins Second deposit - minimum 20 EUR, use bonus code G50 to receive 50% match bonus up to 100 EUR + 50 free spins Third deposit - minimum 25 EUR, use bonus code GS to receive 25 free spins on Ancient Egypt, with 25 more free spins for Ancient Egypt to be awarded on the next Egyptian Fortune day
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Games & Software

Gslot boasts more than 5,000 games from the biggest and best providers in the business. From Yggdrasil’s Vikings Go Berserk, and NetEnt’s Starburst, to Playtech’s hugely popular Age of the Gods series, there is something here for everyone.
There are sporting slots such as Yggdrasil’s Bicicleta and games based on TV shows such as BigTimeGaming’s Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Megaways. There are fantasy games from Novomatic and historical offerings such as Admiral Nelson from Amatic, as well as animal slots, classic fruit machines, pirates, superheroes and more. You can travel the world, from Asia to Ancient Egypt, all without leaving your seat. And that’s just the slots.
Gslot also offers a wealth of roulette and blackjack, and live dealer games that recreate the feel of a real casino. There are also a whole host of jackpot games for you to try, and you can search either by game type or by game provider. You can also type a word such as ‘Fairy’ into the top bar search box to find all games which include that keyword in their title.

Mobile Version

As a new online casino, Gslot has been created to be mobile responsive and doesn’t lose anything when you switch to the mobile version, displaying perfectly.
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Payments & Security

The currently accepted currencies are Euro "EUR", US Dollar "USD", New Zealand Dollar "NZD", Canadian Dollar "CAD", Norwegian Krone "NOK", Polish Zloty "PLN", South African Rand "ZAR", and Japanese yen "JPY". Restricted countries include Anguilla, Australia, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, France and its overseas territories (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte, St Martin, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna, New Caledonia), Israel, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Russian Federation, Gibraltar, and Jersey.
There is a large number of payment numbers available for payments and withdrawals, including; Visa Credit/Debit Cards, MasterCard, Neteller, Skrill, Neosurf, bank transfers, iDebit, Instadebit, ecoPayz and Interac e-transfer. You can also make payments through Rapid by Skrill, Paysafecard, and Giropay, although these options are not available for withdrawals.
The minimum for most of the payment and withdrawal methods is 20 with a maximum amount of 5,000. However, iDebit and Instadebit require a minimum of 30 CAD and the maximum is 7,500 CAD. All payment methods are secure and your details will not be shared with any third parties.
Unlimited withdrawal limits on some payment methods The maximum withdrawal amount processed to a player is 5,000 €/$ per day, 10,000 €/$ per week and 30,000 €/$ per month
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Gslot states it has a customer support team on hand 24/7 to answer your questions. If you have any issues, you can click on the support link which takes you to a contact form to fill out. There is also a feedback button where you can draw on the screen and send a screenshot, or send an instant message. Finally, if you want to complain, you can contact the site’s ADR provider via a separate form.


Gslot is the latest online casino from an established company in N1 Interactive Limited and there’s no reason it shouldn’t appeal to lots of players, just like its predecessors. Such a huge game selection is a big draw, particularly when its coupled with a generous welcome offer, regular promotions for existing members and a progressive VIP club which rewards its most loyal and prolific players. The design is simple but the site is well laid out and utilises characters from some of the featured games to give it a little extra style. With fast payments and withdrawals, and 24-hour customer support, Gslot looks to be onto a winner.
submitted by freispiele to u/freispiele [link] [comments]

Blighty Bingo - free spins bonus & no deposit bonus code

Blighty Bingo - free spins bonus & no deposit bonus code

Blighty Bingo free bonus and no deposit codes
Join Blighty Bingo Casino now and receive 10 no deposit free spins! Also, get a 700% welcome bonus on your very first deposit. Use exclusive promotional code to qualify. Click on the link below to start your gaming fun!
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Blighty Bingo Review

Get stuck into some tip-top bingo online with Blighty Bingo, an unabashedly British gambling site that belongs to the 888 betting empire. As well as giving punters the chance to play a range of live bingo games, the website also stocks a satisfying selection of other games, including slot machines from software companies like NetEnt, IGT, NextGen, Eyecon and more. The casino even welcomes new punters with a £70 bonus for bingo games as well as 10 free spins for the slots.
You don't necessarily need to be from the UK to enjoy this website, although an appreciation of British culture would help! The website is restricted to bettors who reside in the following countries: the United States of America, Spain, France, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Gibraltar, Antigua, Israel and Turkey.

Part of the 888 Betting Empire

Blighty Bingo is a new brand from a well-known company, Cassava Enterprises Ltd. This company is a subsidiary of the huge 888 gambling corporation which overseas some of the most successful online betting websites in the world. As such, players can rest assured that they are in professional hands when playing the games at this website. Some of the more notable brands operated by Cassava include OinkBingo Casino, Casino On Net and 777 Casino.
Despite the passionately British feel of this casino website, Blighty Bingo is managed remotely in Gibraltar; the website is actually licensed in the British Overseas Territory by the Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner. Punters who are playing from the UK, however, will be protected by the legal services of the UK Gambling Commission. With this in mind, players can be sure that the games and services at this website are safe and fair, while all of the necessary checks and balances are in place to promote responsible gambling.
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Round the Clock Support at Blighty Bingo

If patrons of Blighty Bingo run into some minor trouble at this online casino, they will be able to get in touch with a representative by using the 24/7 live chat support service. Alternatively, the website provides an email address as well as a toll-free telephone number for UK customers only that is operated 7-days a week from 9am to 1am GMT. The site also provides a comprehensive list of FAQs, which is worth checking out before attempting to contact the casino directly.

Top of the Slots at Blighty Bingo

For a gambling website that is ostensibly bingo-orientated, there is a very satisfying number of online slot machines at Blighty Bingo. In fact, the casino lays claim to more than 300 slots coming from a diverse range of game makers, with big names like NetEnt, NextGen, IGT and WMS as well as some more obscure studios such as Pariplay, Eyecon, and even some from 888's in-house game development suite.
The most popular slots on offer at the casino include titles like Gonzo's Quest by NetEnt, Siberian Storm by IGT, Amazon Queen by WMS and Foxin' Wins by NextGen. These 5-reel video slots offer a range of different gameplay features – from cascading reels to stacked wilds – as well as varied thematic designs. Punters will also come across a number of video slots that feature characters from the world of TV and film, such as the South Park slot machine by NetEnt, the Bruce Lee slot machine from WMS and the Titanic slot machine by Bally software. Slot machine purists will also come across a number of retro themed games with the likes of Bars and Bells by Amaya and Jackpot 6000 from NetEnt.
Many of the slot machines in the Blighty Bingo games lobby belong to some of the biggest names in the e-gaming software industry. However, there are some slots online at this casino that aren't as easily recognisable and familiar as others. There are a number of games from 888's in-house studio, for example, many of which can only be found at casinos which belong to the betting corporation. These games offer a range of new themes and interesting gameplay variations with titles like Love From London, Jewel Thief and Jungle Goals Jackpot.
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Bingo Balls

Of course, Blighty Bingo offers up a number of online bingo games for punters to enjoy. The live bingo rooms available include 52-ball, 75-ball and 90-ball variations, providing a decent amount of variety for bingo connoisseurs. Some of the bingo rooms online at this casino have progressive jackpot prize kitties for some huge potential winnings. One thing that this casino lacks is a full range of classic casino games since there is no option for patrons of the site to play online roulette or online blackjack, let alone live versions of the classic gambling games.

Plenty of Ways to Pay

When it comes to creating an account with Blighty Bingo, customers will be asked to choose their preferred currency from the following options: Great British Pounds, Euros, US Dollars and Canadian Dollars. As the deposit and withdrawal methods, the website presents a good range of popular payment options such as Visa, Mastercard and Maestro credit and debit cards as well as online methods like PayPal, Neteller, EntroPay and Paysafecard.
The limits of this casino are quite generous for casual punters who simply want to enjoy some low-rolling slot machine action. That is because the minimum amount that a player can fund their account with is just £5. The maximum deposit limits are £2,000 per day, £3,000 per week and £10,000 per month. The withdrawal limits aren't quite as generous to casual players since the minimum cash out is set at £35 with maximum limits of £1,000 per day, £2,000 per week and £3,000 per month.
The time frames for withdrawals differ depending on the chosen method. The quickest option is a withdrawal via Mastercard with a total processing time of 3-5 business days. The longest method is a wire transfer, which could take a total of 7-10 business days.
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Bingo Bonus Boost

One of the downsides of a bingo-first casino site like Blighty Bingo is that they tend to prioritise bingo players when it comes to the welcome promotion. This website sticks to the trend by offering £70 worth of free bingo tickets whenever new players make a first deposit of £10. That said, the casino will throw in a round of 10 free spins for the slot machines – it may not sound like a lot but it is better than nothing.
The plus side to this particular casino welcome bonus is that there are no wagering requirements whatsoever, meaning that any winnings made with the free bingo tickets and free spins will be eligible for withdrawal.

Spin on the Move at Blighty Bingo Mobile

Blighty Bingo is available to access across a range of devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones and tablets. Punters with a handheld device powered by Android, Windows or iOS should be able to access the mobile casino to play mobile-optimised slot machines by NetEnt, IGT, Eyecon, NextGen and more.
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The Final Verdict

Blighty Bingo is yet another offering from the highly respectable and successful casino operator, Cassava Enterprises. As part of the 888 group, prospective punters can be fairly certain that the service will be professional and legally sound, something that is backed up with licenses from the UKGC and GGC authorities.
Admittedly, the website could provide a more attractive welcome bonus for slot machine players so that they can better enjoy the large and varied range of online video slots catalogue.
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Samosa Casino 130 free spins and $300 bonus (register now)

Samosa Casino 130 free spins and $300 bonus (register now)

Samosa Casino Free Spins and Bonuses
Register your account with Samosa Casino and receive 130 free spins! Also, get a 100% welcome bonus up to $300! This is our exclusive promotion for new players. No bonus code needed!
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Samosa Casino Review

This new casino is brought to you by N1 Interactive Ltd, who are well known for their exciting, secure, and unique platforms. We were expecting to be greeted with a savoury snack when we began our Samosa Casino reviews. But were proved wrong with this sumptuous platform, filled full of futuristic Asian creatures.
First things first, the game selection is massive and there are 4,000 titles for you to choose from. There’s a huge live casino, slots, jackpots, and scratchcards to sink your teeth into.
Bonuses come in the shape of Samosa Casino no deposit deals, weekly reloads, and extra spins. There’s also a great VIP scheme that’s open to everyone with some awesome treats.
The platform is licensed with the MGA and there are some top security features to keep you feeling safe. Payments are instant, free and there’s a good amount of methods to choose from.
Keep reading our Samosa Casino casino review to find out what else is in store for you.

Samosa Casino Casino Bonus Offer

We are always on the lookout to get you a little extra, and for your first deposit, we have secured an exclusive new casino bonus of an extra 50%. What’s more, you’ll also get an additional 25 extra Samosa Casino free spins.
There are no restrictions on these bonuses, so you can wager, win, and withdraw whatever you like.
  • Minimum deposit: €15.
  • Wagering requirements: 40x for deposit bonus and spins.
Relevant T&C’s: Bonus activation duration 3 days from the first deposit. Once claimed you have 7 days to complete wagering. Max bonus bet permitted €5. Please read all the other terms before activating the offers.
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Other Bonuses and Promotions

Once you have used up the welcome offer, you’ll then be able to claim any of these great bonuses. There’s a good selection with something to suit all kinds of players.

VIP Program

Entry onto this 6 tier scheme is automatic on your first deposit, so no one needs to feel left out. You will score points with your real money wagers. And for each new level, you’ll scoop a reward of up to 250 Samosa Casino free spins no deposit required. Other treats are gadget gifts, up to 17% weekly cashback, and fun surprises along the way.

Daily Reload Bonus

This one will reward your deposits with 25% up to €100 every day. Giving you more of a reason to log back in and more chances to win.

Friday Bonus Spins

Make a deposit on the best day of the week and claim up to 100 bonus spins.

Weekly Tournaments

Join the weekly fun and score points by playing selected games, for a chance to win cash from a prize pool of €2,000. There are also other goodies at stake, with bundles of Samosa Casino 20 free spins, and extra VIP points.

Samosa Casino Withdrawals

Once you have hit the confirm button your winnings will be processed instantly. We are always super happy when we discover this, and you can carry out your casino payments in a multitude of currencies.
Great to see that Indian Rupees are accepted too, and the minimum payment amounts are low. Skrill and Neteller users can also enjoy any of the bonuses without penalty.
  • Standard currencies accepted: EUR, USD, CAD, NZD, NOK, PLN, RUB, JPY, KZT, and INR.
  • Minimum deposit amount: €10.
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: €10.

Deposits & Withdrawal Methods Available at Samosa Casino

There are some great trustworthy payment options at this new casino. Samosa seems to have all angles covered when it comes to international players. With the majority of options available to all countries.
You can choose from many eWallets for instant payments, bank transfers, and of course, the major debit/credit cards are accepted. All deposits and withdrawals are free too!
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Try 4,000 Samosa Casino Games

The selection of games is fantastic, and besides the video/classic slots you can sample scratchcards, jackpots, table games, and a huge live casino.
You’ll be able to try out all the new casino games 2020, and at the time of our Samosa Casino reviews, we came across no less than 40 of these. Peaky Blinders, Hotline 2, and Dog House Megaways were all featured under the ‘new games’ section.
The lobby is easy to find your way around and everything is where it should be. You can filter the games by a developer as well as trying any of the titles for fun first.


You will have no trouble finding your all-time favourites among this selection of 3,000 slots! We came across Dead or Alive II, Book of Dead, Sakura Fortune, Narcos, and The Wild Chase. Which just goes to show the sheer variety of themes on offer.
There are games to suit all bankrolls with a variety of minimum and max stakes. And there are plenty of buy-in bonuses to take a chance on.
Jackpot games can be found in their own section, and there are around 50 of these available. Arabian Nights, Mega Fortune Dreams, and Divine Fortune are on offer with the larger jackpots. But there are some interesting less well-known games to enjoy such as Jackpot Express.

Live Casino

With a few hundred games to choose from, there should be something here to suit all live casino tastes. You will be able to take a seat at all the traditional tables, with some exciting twists thrown in. Like Blackjack Party, 24/7 Roulette, and live dealer Caribbean stud poker.
If you fancy a more laid-back live game then there are the popular variations from the award-winning Evolution Gaming.

Software Developers Found at Samosa Casino

The selection of casino software providers is fantastic, and the largest names in the industry can be found here. NetEnt, Play’N Go, and Quickspin are perhaps the most well known. Delivering games with outstanding quality, great fun factors, and various themes.
There are also several smaller developers offering up interesting games, with something new for you to try out. Take your pick from Playtech and NYX to name but a few.
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Look & Feel of Samosa Casino

The theme is a futuristic Asian one and the site is filled with unusual cartoon creatures. The graphics are beautiful and the site feels very professional. There isn’t any clutter on any of the pages, and the menus at the top of the page are simple to use.
There are live feeds so that you can keep up to date with recent winners and jackpot totals. The legal info can be found at the bottom of the page as well as the licensing info. The site can also be viewed in multiple languages.

Licenses & Restricted Countries

This new platform is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. Giving you a supreme level of reassurance when it comes to your safety. The only downside is that there are a lot of restricted countries and of course, there isn’t a Samosa Casino UK platform.
Restricted countries: Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, Israel, France, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Gibraltar, and Jersey.

Customer Support

Casino customer support is open on an around the clock basis. And you can contact the team by email or live chat. There isn’t the option to phone which is a bit of a shame, though it seems that many new online casinos are moving away from this. There are lots of FAQs to help you out and we found the support agents were helpful and friendly.

Samosa Casino FAQs

1. Is Samosa Casino legit?

100%. The platform holds an MGA license meaning that it’s super legit. N1 Interactive Ltd has also been around for many years and operates several other platforms.

2. Can I claim a Samosa Casino with no deposit bonus?

Yes! These are offered as part of the VIP program, which you will be entered automatically with your first deposit.

3. Is it free to withdraw at Samosa Casino?


4. Are the games fair?

The games have all been independently tested for fairness and payout ratios by ItechLabs. As well as being audited by the MGA regularly.

5. Will I need a bonus code to claim the welcome offer?

No, the bonuses and spins are added automatically with each of your first 3 deposits.

6. Can I play games on my mobile?

Yes! The site is fully mobile-friendly, just launch a web browser on your device and log in.

7. Will I be eligible for a bonus if I deposit with Skrill/Neteller?

Yes! There are no restrictions when it comes to this and you can claim any of the offers.

8. What are the minimum deposit and withdrawal amounts?

They are both €10.

9. Where is SamosaCasino based?

On the island of Malta in the EU.

10. Will I need to verify my account?

Yes, you will need to do this on your first withdrawal. You will receive an email from the KYC team, requesting a photo ID, proof of address, and proof of payment method.
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Spin Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Spin Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Spin Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Welcome to Spin Casino and Sportsbook! Register your account now and receive 60 free spins on Immortal Romance slot. Plus, get a 100% up to $1000 welcome bonus. No bonus code needed!
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Welcome Bonus

Spin Palace Casino has a super promotion, exclusive free spins on “Immortal Romance” to win the jackpot! , that right 60 free spins and on top of that get up to €$1000 in free bonuses to play 400 online casino games. That’s 3 X 100% Match Bonuses Worth Up To $450 Free On Each Deposit Plus You’ll Get 60 Free Spins On the Game Immortal Romance on your first deposit (Minimum Deposit €$20). Available for play on your PC, Mac, tablet, or mobile phone.
How to Claim this Bonus?
  1. Sign up for a Spin Palace players account
  2. Go to the cashier and make a deposit
  3. 3 X 100% Match Bonuses Worth Up To $450
  4. Get 60 Free Spins On The Game “Immortal Romance”

Are you ready to take a closer look at Spin Casino?

And it’s not just you — the name reminds us of another casino too — Spin Palace. The crazy thing is that it’s not just a coincidence. Spin Casino is owned and operated by the same company that owns and operates Spin Palace.
The name isn’t the only thing these two casinos have in common, though. They also have a similar, if not identical, casino. The games, graphics, and stakes are alike.
If playing at identical casinos isn’t your cup of tea, we totally understand. There are tons of unique places to play online. You can browse our review section and find dozens of them.
However, if this doesn’t bother you, then the upside is that you know that you can expect a high-quality and enjoyable experience at Spin Casino.
That said, we aren’t about to rest on our laurels just because Spin Casino is similar to its sister casinos. This is why we still reviewed Spin Casino with the same scrutiny we do when we review other casinos.
This means our review below includes both the good and the bad information that we found. It means we didn’t take money for a fluffy review or inflated rating. And it also means that we’re going to tell you exactly what you need to hear so that you can decide whether Spin Casino is the right site for you to join.
If that sounds like a review that you want to read, then we have good news for you — it starts in the next section
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Spin Casino Basic Information

Spin Casino has a license with the Malta Gaming Authority and Kahnawake Gaming Commission. They’re licensed under the names Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd.
Bayton Ltd and Baytree Ltd are both managed by The Palace Group. There’s a good chance that you’ve heard of The Palace Group, or at least heard of or played at one of their brands. Some of the other brands they operate include Spin Palace, Ruby Fortune, and Mummy’s Gold.
The Palace Group has been in business a long time, too — since 2001. This means that they’re getting close to their 20th anniversary online, which is light years compared to other casinos.
Between their time in business and their gaming licenses, you can feel comfortable playing at any of their brands. This includes Spin Casino.

Restricted Countries – Who Can’t Play

Players from the following countries cannot play at Spin Casino.
  • Australia
  • Andorra
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • France and Outlying Territories
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Iran
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Myanmar
  • North Korea
  • Philippines
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • USA and Outlying Territories
  • Taiwan
  • Turkey
  • Hungary
  • United Kingdom
Keep in mind that this list can change at any time. For that reason, we recommend you periodically check Spin Casino’s terms and conditions to see if your country has been added to the list of prohibited countries.
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The Casino

In the following sections, we’re going to look at Spin Casino’s games. That way, you can get an idea of the games they offer so that you can decide if they’ll be a good fit for you.
Unlike most casinos nowadays, Spin Casino uses only Microgaming software for its animated casino games. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s just that you won’t have the game or graphics variety that you will have at casinos that work with multiple software providers.
Trust us, though; this casino is plenty good enough. Spin Casino offers a little bit of everything here including slots, video poker, and table games.
They have a live dealer casino, too. Their live games come from Evolution and Ezugi, who are heavy hitters in the live gaming space. The result is a robust selection of live games. We’ll look at these later.
The one confusing aspect of their casino is that there are three sections — a casino, live casino, and Vegas (casino). We’re going to list some of their games below, but we’re only going to make a distinction between their animated and live dealer games.
We also noticed that their Vegas casino section doesn’t have any filters. You can’t select the type of games (slots, table games, video poker, etc.) that you want to see. This can make it tough to find the type of game you’re looking for unless you already know what it’s called.
The good news is that most, if not all, of their Vegas games, are also available in their main casino. This means there’s a chance you won’t need to visit the Vegas section at all.
Anyway, that covers the basics. Let’s now jump into each section and look at some specific examples of casino games you can play at Spin Casino.

Table Games

We’re going to start with Spin Casino’s table games. The following is a list of card and poker games that we found during our review.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • 3 Card Poker
  • Card Climber
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Craps
  • Double Exposure Blackjack
  • European Blackjack
  • European Roulette
  • Flip Card
  • High-Speed Poker
  • Hold’em High
  • Vegas Downtown Blackjack
  • Multi Wheel Roulette
  • Red Dog
  • Super Fun 21
  • Vegas Strip Blackjack
  • Spanish Blackjack
  • Triple Pocket Hold’em Poker
  • Cyberstud
  • And more!
There are both pluses and minuses to Spin Casino’s table game section. We’ll start with the downsides.
The most frustrating thing about their table games is that there’s no way to filter for specific games in the Vegas section. This can make it incredibly tough to find the games you want to play unless you already know what they’re called.
Another thing we were sort of unimpressed with is the lack of non-blackjack and roulette games. There are not enough games to offset all the blackjack and roulette options.
However, that brings us to one of the good things about their table game selection. They have lots of blackjack and roulette games.
In fact, you’ll find more than 30 blackjack games and more than 10 roulette games. Some of these are merely high-stakes variants or duplicate titles with improved graphics. Even discounting those, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better selection elsewhere.
Another thing we’re fans of is some of the unique games that you’ll find at Spin Casino that aren’t readily available elsewhere. For example, we can’t think of another casino that offers Triple Pocket Hold’em, Hold’em High, or Card Climber.
That’s always a good thing.
Table Game Testing, Graphics, and Stakes
Once we were done browsing their games, we opened a few of them up to make sure they worked well and to see what their graphics and stakes are like.
The graphics for the games we tested are pretty good. They’re not glossy, overly polished, or even realistic. They look more like animated games. There’s nothing wrong with that, though.
They don’t make it clear the stakes you can play for. We had to manually decrease and increase our bets to figure out the limits. The stakes we found varied from $2/hand or round to as much as $1,000. But keep in mind that this may vary depending on the game you play.
These aren’t bad limits — they’re higher than what many casinos offer. No t only that, but we also anticipated their live dealer casino offering even higher stakes. This means that we’re less concerned about how high the stakes are in this section of their casino.
We’ll look at their live dealer section in a few minutes.

Video Poker

The next section we checked out was Spin Casino’s video poker games. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Aces & Eights Poker
  • Aces and Faces
  • All Aces Poker
  • Deuces Wild Poker
  • Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
  • Double Double Bonus Poker
  • Jacks or Better Poker
  • All American
  • Bonus Poker
  • Deuces & Joker Poker
  • Joker Poker
  • Louisiana Double Poker
  • Tens or Better Poker
This is an okay selection. On top of this, you’ll find “power,” “multi-hand,” and “Gold Series” variants that you can also choose from. We counted nearly 25 poker games in their main casino.
There are video poker machines in the Vegas section too, but we didn’t find anything different than what’s listed above.
Testing Their Games, Graphics, and Stakes
We tested a couple of their poker games during our review.
The games we played had average graphics, but that’s to be expected with video poker machines. They’re not meant to be fancy. They worked great, though. We experienced no lagging or bugs.
Some of them had neat features, too. For example, the machines we played offered the chance to double your winnings. When you make a winning hand, you can click the “double” button to play a mini-game to see if you can double up. Keep in mind that if you lose this game, you lose everything.
The best feature, though, had to be the automatic hold. Many video poker machines will tell you when you made a winning hand so that you don’t forget to hold those cards. However, one of the machines we played automatically held the best cards according to the common video poker strategy.
Now, we don’t know what strategy these machines are using or how optimal that strategy is. However, they did hold the cards we would have had this feature not existed. This is a neat option if you’re new to video poker and aren’t sure how to play optimally.
As far as stakes go, we found machines that let us play for as little as $0.25 per coin to as much as $50 per round. We recommend you bet the max number of coins, though, which means your minimum bet will be $1.25. This will vary from machine to machine, though.
Overall, we liked Spin Casino’s video poker section. We’d like to see more unique titles to choose from, but our opinion is that this lineup will work for most people reading this.


Next up is Spin Casino’s slot selection. They have far too many slot machines to list here, but here is a small sample to give you an idea of what you’ll be able to play.
  • 5 Reel Drive
  • Snow & Sable
  • Amazing Aztecs
  • Book of Oz
  • Cashville
  • Cash of Kingdoms
  • Diamond Empire
  • Dolphin Coast
  • Fruit vs Candy
  • Halloween
  • Girls with Guns
  • Game of Thrones
  • Highlander
  • Jurassic World
  • Lady in Red
  • Kings of Cash
  • Hitman
  • Lost Vegas
  • Lucky Koi
  • Oink Country Love
  • Pretty Kitty
  • Moby Dick
  • Monster Wheels
  • Robin of Sherwood
  • Silver Fang
  • So Much Sushi
  • The Great Albini
  • The Phantom of the Opera
  • Tomb Raider
  • Win Sum Dim Sum
  • Fat Lady Sings
  • Jekyll & Hyde
  • Jurassic Park
  • The Legend of Olympus
  • Throne of Egypt
  • Steam Punk Heroes
  • Winning Wizards
  • Untamed Bengal Tiger
  • Old King Cole
  • And more!
You’ll find all these slots in the main casino. There are plenty more where this comes from too. You’ll also find more slots — including unique titles not found in the main casino — inside the Vegas section.
That said, their selection of slots is much smaller than we expected considering that they work with Microgaming. We still can’t complain, though, especially after seeing some of the titles that you can play here.
For example, the slots that stood out to us are the licensed/branded slots. Licensed slots are machines that revolve around IP that other companies own. This includes movies (Jurassic Park), video games (Hitman), TV shows (Game of Thrones), and more.
These are fun to play because it’s highly likely that you’re going to be a fan of whatever the slot machine is about. For example, we like Jurassic Park. This means we get to kill two birds with one stone — play slots about a theme we really like.
Not only that, but you can play many of these slot machines in brick-and-mortar casinos. We’ve played Game of Thrones countless times during our trips to Las Vegas.
And this is just the licensed slots. You still have all the other slots that Spin Casino has to offer. This includes slots with bonus rounds, 3 and 5 reels, progressive jackpots, and features such as free spins, wilds, scatters, and more.
As for stakes, they vary so much that it’s hard to give concrete numbers. That said, we found machines that allowed us to play for as little as $0.10/spin to as much as $200. Most of the machines we looked at maxed out at $30 or less, though. This means that you might have to do some digging to find the machines with higher limits.
Overall, while Spin Casino’s slot section can definitely be bigger given that they’re powered by Microgaming, what they do have will be more than enough for most people.
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Live Dealer Games

Last up is Spin Casino’s live dealer section. Here are the games we found during our review.
  • Dragon Tiger
  • Private Blackjack
  • Shangri La Roulette
  • Dream Catcher
  • Casino Hold’em
  • Baccarat
  • Football Studio
  • Roulette
  • Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Lightning Roulette
  • Infinite Blackjack
  • Baccarat Super 6
  • Evolution Party Table
This is a solid selection of live games, especially when compared to other online casinos. But that’s not a surprise since some of these games come from Evolution Gaming, who’s a heavy hitter in the live gaming space.
Once you click on one of these games, you’ll be redirected to a section where you’ll find several tables to choose from (depending on the game). You’ll also find a navigation bar at the top with several filters to help you quickly find the game you want to play.
The lowest stakes we found for these games is $5 for blackjack. This is sort of a bummer since some live blackjack games can be played for as little as $1. However, $5 is pretty standard for a live game, so it’s not something we can hold against them.
You can play some of their other games, like baccarat or roulette, for $0.10-$1 per round.
The highest stakes we found were $5,000 for blackjack, $2,000 for roulette, and as much as $5,000 for everything else. These aren’t th highest stakes online, but they should work for most people.
One of the most impressive things about their games is the camera work. The different angles they use and the close-ups make it look like you’re watching a movie. Depending on the game, you can also change the camera option. For example, the roulette game lets you choose from 3D, immersive, or classic camera angles
The streams were very good considering how good the camera work was. We noticed a few lags, but they didn’t take away from the game much. The resolution was pretty good regardless.
Other features include the option to chat with your tablemates and the dealer, adjust the sound and camera angles, bet behind, and set up automatic actions. You can even multi-table several games at once.
Overall, we’re impressed with the live dealer casino at Spin Casino. You’ll have plenty of games to choose from, stakes, features, and men and women dealers that speak different languages.
We recommend you check it out.
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The Sportsbook

Spin Casino is unique from some of the other casinos under The Palace Group brand in that they also have a sportsbook. It’s called Spin Sports.
Here’s what you can expect to find if you choose to bet here.

Sports, Market, and Betting Options

Spin Sports has an excellent selection of sports that you can bet on. Here’s what we found during our review.
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Ice Hockey
  • American Football
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Esports
  • Specials
  • Virtual Sports
  • Boxing
  • Gold
  • Badminton
  • Winter Sports
  • MMA
  • Darts
  • Snooker and Pool
  • Baseball
  • Cycling
  • Motor Racing
  • Speedway
  • Floorball
  • Table Tennis
  • Bandy
  • Aussie Rules
  • Surfing
  • Netball
  • Gaelic Football
  • Gaelic Hurling
  • Super Spin Specials
Many of these options have dropdown menus, too.
For example, click on the soccer option, and a dropdown menu containing options such as England, Europe, Spain, Italy, and Germany will appear. This goes for many of the other options, too — you’ll find countries as subcategories. You’ll need to click on these to find the different leagues that play in those countries.
Your betting options will obviously depend on the sport you bet on. We found plenty of choices, though. For example, you can bet outrights or money lines for Europa basketball. You’ll find spread betting, more money lines, oveunder, and outrights for NBA games.
Click on a match, and you’ll find additional markets. For example, we checked out an NBA game and found options to bet on different quarters, total points, team points per quarter or half, overtime, and more.
There are plenty of betting options here, which was a surprise, honestly, considering who’s running this sportsbook.

Live Betting

Spin Sports also offers live sports betting.
When we were there, you could bet on soccer, basketball, tennis, ice hockey, and cricket. We wouldn’t be surprised if they covered more matches than this (when those games are available).
In fact, we know that’s the case since we looked at their Event View and Live Schedule tabs. This is where you’ll see all the sports you can bet on, all the matches, and the number of betting opportunities available for each one.
And that’s about it for their live sportsbook. The one thing we’d really like to see added in the future is the option to watch live streams. It’d make sense to add a racebook too.
Here’s hoping that Spin Sports has both items on their to-do list.
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Final Thoughts

Spin Sports is a much better sportsbook than we expected. It’s hard to expect something this impressive from a company that has been running only casinos for more than a decade.
We’re fans, though. There are plenty of sports and markets to bet on. You also have your standard options for betting in American, fractional, or decimal odds, as well as using the sportsbook in different languages.
That said, there is room for improvement. They could add a racebook, live streaming, and additional features and build out their esports section.
But we think they’ve done a good job so far, and it’ll be more than enough for your typical casino player or recreational bettor.

Banking Options

Something we noticed during our review is that there’s the option to deposit inside both the casino and the sportsbook. As far as we can tell, it looks like you’ll want to deposit to the section you plan to spend your time in.
In other words, if you want to bet sports, you’ll want to deposit to your sportsbook account. If you want to play blackjack or slots, you’ll want to make your deposit to the casino.
The good news is that it looks like the same banking options are accepted in both sections. Find an option that works for you, and you can use it in both places.
When we reviewed Spin Casino, we didn’t find any evidence that suggests they charge fees on their deposits. This is great news. However, it’s not clear whether they charge fees on withdrawals.
As for limits, you can cash out as much as €4,000 per week if the amount you’re trying to cash out is more than 5x the amount that you’ve deposited over the life of your account. Otherwise, it looks like you can cash out as much as £10,000 in a 24-hour period.
This will depend on the banking option you use, of course.
Progressive jackpots are exempt from these rules, which is great to see. It’s no surprise, though, considering that they work with Microgaming.
That wraps up their banking details. The following two sections will list the banking methods you can use to fund and cash out your account.


  • Visa
  • Visa Electron
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Neteller
  • iDebit
  • Trustly
  • Skrill
  • Echeck
  • MuchBetter
  • Paysafecard
  • Instant Banking
  • Neosurf
  • ecoPayz
  • Flexepin
  • Direct Bank Transfer


  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • PayPal
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • Paysafecard
  • ecoCard
  • Citadel
  • Instadebit
  • Direct Bank Transfer
  • Echeck
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Bonus Promotions

You can claim a few promotions as a customer of Spin Casino and Spin Sports. The following sections summarize the offers you can claim and the terms you need to fulfill if you do.

Spin Casino Promotions

The following are offers that you’ll find under the promotions tab on the casino side of things.

New Player Bonus

This is an offer available to first-time customers. Spin Casino is offering a 100% match bonus of up to $1,000. It’s spread out over your first three deposits like this.
  • First Deposit – 100% match up to $400
  • Second Deposit – 100% match up to $300
  • Third Deposit – 100% match up to $300
This is a nice offer because you have multiple opportunities to claim as much as you can. It’s especially helpful for players on a budget who can’t deposit $1,000 in one shot.
You will need to roll over this bonus 50x, though the playthrough will depend on the casino game you play. We recommend reading their terms if you plan to play a game other than slots.
The downside to this offer is that if you do happen to complete the playthrough with money to spare, and you want to withdraw it, cash-outs will be limited to 100 casino credits. You’ll forfeit the rest of the bonus.
That being the case, it might make more sense to play the bonus (and lose money) until you only have 100 credits left. Then make a withdrawal if you want. That way, you can enjoy the bonus money/winnings for as long as possible.
And that’s all they have for bonus offers. Spin Casino does say that they offer bonuses on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. We have no idea what those offers look like, though.
While we were there, we did notice that they have a “bonus wheel.” You spin the wheel, and you can earn prizes, such as bonuses to claim. It looks like you can spin the wheel once every couple of hours.
This is pretty neat.

Loyalty Club

Spin Casino also offers a loyalty club. This is a multi-tier program that awards more perks the higher your status.
This program has six levels.
  • Blue
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Privé
As you ascend, you’ll receive additional perks such as bonus points, more entry points, exclusive tournaments, VIP support, phone support, and exclusive gifts and bonuses.
You can receive monthly bonuses too. Climb the ladder to the very top of their VIP program, and you can receive more than $10,000 every month in bonuses.
Getting to each tier is straightforward — you need to earn so many points to reach a specific status, and then so many points to maintain that status each month. You’ll earn 1 point for every $10 you spend in the casino.
We recommend you read their promotions page to determine for sure if this program will be a good fit for you. But if we understand their points setup and minimum point requirements correctly, then this looks like a good program to use — even for low-stakes players!

Spin Sports Promotions

You’ll need to be in the sportsbook section in order to find their sports betting promotions. The following are the promotions we found during our review, including what you can get and the terms you need to fulfill.
Free Bet – First-time sports bettors will be able to claim a free bet bonus. This is a 100% match up to $200. To claim the offer, deposit at least $10.
This offer has a 5x rollover ($1,000 if you claim the entire $200) before you can withdraw any winnings. We recommend you read their terms and conditions for their other rules, as you’ll need to abide by odd minimums/maximums when you make your bets.
And that’s the only offer we found for sports bettors during our review.
This isn’t a bad offer by any means. That said, it would be great if they had a few other promotions running. It’d be nice to see some kind of cashback or rebate offer or additional bonuses.
But as the saying goes, something is better than nothing.

Mobile Friendliness

Both Spin Casino and Spin Sports are mobile-friendly. You don’t need to download any apps. All you need to do is go to the casino or sportsbook from your phone or tablet and log in. You’ll be able to play all games and make bets from your browser.
It looks like you’ll have the full sportsbook at your disposal. And considering that they work with Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, we wouldn’t be surprised if most or even all of their casino games are available.
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Customer Support

You can use the following options to contact Spin Casino.
The email address above is addressed to the parent company of Spin Casino. The issue with that is they manage several other casinos.
For that reason, we recommend that you make it clear that you’re a Spin Casino customer when you contact them. That way, you eliminate any confusion and reduce the chances of any unnecessary back and forth.
We were disappointed to see that they don’t offer phone support despite saying they do in multiple places throughout their website.
That said, phone support still isn’t a standard communication method offered by online gambling sites. It wouldn’t be fair if we held the lack of phone support against Spin Casino.
Besides, you can contact them 24/7 using the methods above. We sent Spin Casino an email, and we were surprised to receive a response less than two hours later. They answered our questions, too.
That’s better than the average casino for sure. For that reason, we give Spin Casino’s support two virtual thumbs up.
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Spin Casino Review

Since 2001, Spin Casino has offered hundreds of the best casino games to UK players. Read this comprehensive Spin Casino review to learn about bonuses, games and why players keep flocking to the gambling site.
When you first arrive at the homepage, you will notice a well laid out design that is simple to follow. It is extremely clean in its approach, and the casino focuses on highlighting each type of game that they have to offer. We also want you to know whether or not this is a Spin casino scam, so keep reading to find out.

Overview of Our Experiences

Spin Casino has a bit of everything, minus a sportsbook. From the moment we visited the homepage, we were put in the mood to have a bit of fun. This is what an online casino should be like. If you cannot recreate the feeling of being on the Vegas Strip, many players will just move on in search of more fun.
We noticed right when we started writing this Spin Casino review that this casino has a tremendous variety of games. If you grow tired of traditional slots, you can opt for 3 reelers. If you really are looking for something different altogether, then you can go to the roulette room. We could go on and on, but we think that you get the picture.
This site is about as organized as any that we have seen. You will see a banner when you first go to Spin Casino. This details the current welcome bonus. If you are ready to register or login, you will find those two buttons at the top left of screen, right next to the support button. Moving below the banner is where you will find all of the sections of the casino, divided out by type of game. Just click on one and you be taken right there.
For a casino that has been online since 2001, we would expect to see more than a few payment and banking options. We were not disappointed. You will find 11 different choices when it comes to making deposits and withdrawals, which we think is more than enough for most players. This is bolstered with Spin Casino and its stellar customer support. Someone is available around the clock to answer any questions that one might have. If an urgent response is not necessary, then email is always a possibility as well.
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Spin Check: Scam or Not?

No matter how long an online casino has been operating, it is important to look at its reputation. You want to know that your money is not being wasted, and that you have a fair chance of beating the house on more than one occasion. We are pleased to say that there is no Spin Casino scam here. This is a properly licensed and regulated casino, having earned that designation from both the UK Gambling Commission and Malta Gaming Authority.
Because Spin Casino has been operating for so long, it has been opened to players from around the world. Naturally, not all countries are accepted for play. The target audience, of course, is the United Kingdom and much of Europe. Belgium is restricted for play, as is the United States. It is best to go to the homepage and register an account to determine if you are in a restricted area or not.
This is a casino that also cares about the well-being of its players. Spin Casino openly promotes the resources and assistance provided by BeGambleAware. This is an agency committed to helping individuals overcome and avoid an addiction to gambling.
There is no difficulty accessing payment options with Spin Casino. There is an entire page devoted just to describing the various choices that players have when adding money to their account. This is hassle free and is a welcome change from other casinos that seem to make banking too difficult to even be concerned with.

Overview of the Offers from Spin

The selection at Spin Casino is not the most we have seen, but it is by no means the fewest either. You will enjoy your time playing at this casino. You can probably guess from the name where the focus of this casino lies. It does have more than 300 slots available for play on any given visit. You can find progressive jackpots among these, which is a nice feature as well.

Online Casino

Let’s talk about those Spin Casino slots for a moment. This is one of the few online casinos we have seen that actually divides them out by the 3-reel and 5-reel variety. If you have a preference, you can easily find the selection of games that fit your desire. In addition, there are jackpot slots that really enhance the quality of this section, along with some video poker games as well.
There are plenty of other games to choose from at Spin Casino as well. Take roulette as an example. There is a complete section here where you can select from many different versions. You can play the one that you like the most or begin to try some that you have never heard of before. It will be great fun, no matter what you decide. To see how spin stacks up to other top sites, visit out online roulette page. There are still other games to play as well. The video poker section has a lot of games that you might enjoy, and the average return to play percentage is 97%. That is quite good if you stop to think about it.
When you are tired of slots and table games alone, you might go to the Spin Casino live dealer section. This is where you can choose from a small selection of games that are managed by a live dealer. You will also be sitting around the table with other players, just like in a casino on the Vegas strip.
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Spin Casino Bonus: Check Out the Offer

While most casinos today offer something for new players, The Spin Casino bonus is similar to that of other offers and sits up there with the best welcome promos. They are offering up to a £1000 bonus on your initial deposits. This is a great way to get introduced to the casino, as many of your initial bets will be made with what is essentially house money. Let’s talk a bit more about the details of this opportunity.
This is basically a 100% deposit match offer, and it encompasses your first three deposits. First, keep in mind that you do need to opt into the bonus offer. Once you do that, you will receive a 100% match on your first deposit up to £250. Please remember that you do not need to deposit the entire £250 in order to take advantage of the Spin Casino offer, but the minimum is £20.
For your second deposit, you can get 100% on up to another £250. Finally, you will get a 100% match on your third deposit up to £500. If you deposited the full amount for each of these three deposits, then you would end up with a total bonus of £1,000. That is not bad, especially because it is free money.
When you take advantage of the Spin Casino bonus offer, keep in mind that you are not able to cash out the bonus money right away. That would really be a great deal if you could! You will actually need to reach a 50x wagering requirement, which is calculated by adding together your bonus plus your deposit. Once you meet this requirement you will be able to cash out any of your winnings.
You will also want to note that only deposits made via your debit card, or by using PayPal, will make you eligible for this bonus. If you deposit money into your Spin account via any other means, then you will not be able to receive the bonus.

Deposit and Payout at the Casino

As we mentioned, there are plenty of ways to deposit money into this casino. Using a debit card is likely the most popular, but there are plenty of other options as well. This is an online casino where PayPal is accepted. Remember that you can also use your credit or debit card when making a payment using PayPal. If none of these options is what you are looking for, there are about 10 more than you can see from the banking page on the website.
You are welcome to make deposits using more than one payment option. In fact, many players do just that for one reason or another. You will just want to keep in mind that there is a £10 minimum deposit with each transaction, no matter which payment channel you are making use of.
Taking money out of Spin Casino is easy as well. With the exception of Skrill 1-Tap, you can withdraw money to the same account that you used when you made your initial deposit. You can expect to receive your money within 3 days, which is quite a good track record for online casinos today.
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Security and Regulation

We love the fact that this casino has been in business so long. That allows us to see a track record in regard to performance. We are pleased to say that we found no issues. Spin Casino is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority. These agencies provide excellent oversight in the online casino industry, so you can game here with confidence.
Right from the website, you can see that this casino uses 128-bit SSL encryption technology. This means that all financial data is secure at all times. You can bank. here with confidence, which means that you can play with that extra peace of mind as well.
Spin also promotes player responsibility. The have partnered with BeGambleAware to ensure that players have the resources they need to make positive decisions about their gaming behaviour. If a player feels the need to self-exclude themselves from playing at the casino at any time, they are encouraged to do so, and Spin will act swiftly on that request.

Customer Support

There are also plenty of ways to get in contact with customer support at Spin Casino. It does not matter what time of day or night you need help, you can always use the live chat feature on the homepage. If you prefer to email your question you can send a query off to [email protected]. It really is that easy. There is no telephone support to note at this time.
This site is also so well developed that many questions are answered right on individual pages. If you have a question, or you would just like to know more about how the casino operates, look through each section of the website. This will likely motivate you to play here even more.

Usability of the Online Casino

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I see a lot of LP collections posted here. Does anyone appreciate a well organized digital collection?

1965 Jokers Wild (Dave Gilmour)(320)
1966 Tonite Let's All Make Love in London
1967 Arnold Layne
1967 Relics
1971 Pink Floyd - Relics (Remaster AU 1987 CDAX 701290)
1967 Scream Thy Last Scream
1967 See Emily Play & Scarecrow EP (Remaster UK 2007 Bonus CDM 40th ADEd. 50999 5 03919 2 9)
1967 The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (UK Stereo First Pressing 24bit-96khz)
1968 A Saucerful of Secrets
1968 Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (Remaster Japan 1988 CP32-5272)
1968 It Would Be So Nice
1968 Point Me at the Sky
1969 OST More (Remaster Japan 1987 CDP 7 46386 2)
1969 Soundtrack From The Film More
1969 Ummagumma
1969 Zabriskie Point e Ultimate Z. P
1969 Ultimate Zabriskie Point [FLAC]
1970 370 Roman Yards 1970 (The Lost Zabriskie Point Album) [MP3]
1970 Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother (Remaster US 1994 UDCD 595)
1970 Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother (UK LP EMI Harvest SHVL 781 24bit-96khz)
1970 Roger Waters - Music From The Body (Soundtrack)(320)
1970 Syd Barrett - Barrett
1970 Syd Barrett - The Madcap Laughs
1971 Pink Floyd - Meddle (Remaster Japan 1988 UDCD 518)
1971 Meddle - 24-96 Vinyl Rip (FLAC)
1971 One Of These Days Single Vinyl 7 (Italy 1971 EMR-20388)
1972 Pink Floyd - Obscured By Clouds (Remaster US 1987 CDP 7 46385 2)
1973 Money Vinyl 12 (Remaster Netherlands 1981 Vinyl 12 1A K052Z - 78068)
1973 The Dark Side of the Moon - (Vinyl LP 24-96 UK Remaster 30 Harvest SHVL 804 24Bit 96kHz) - 200g Vinyl Rip (FLAC) - Audiophile MFSL Pressing VINYL {FR1 Cartridge SYBORG} - Unreleased Tracks
1975 Wish You Were Here
1975 Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (Remaster UK 1984 CDP 7 46035 2) & Unreleased Tracks
1977 Animals- (2016 Master) VINYL {FR1 Mk3 Cart} - (2016 Master) VINYL {Stanton 881 Cart} - (Remaster US 1985 CK 34474) - (Vinyl LP 24-96 US Columbia First Pressing JC 34474 24Bit 96kHz)
1978 David Gilmour - David Gilmour
1978 Rick Wright - Wet Dream
1979 The Wall - (Remaster Germany 2007 2xCD CDS 7 46036 8) - (Remaster US 1989 2xCD UDCD 2-537) - US UltraDisc 2CD- (UK Vinyl 2xLP 24-96 SHDW 411 24Bit 96kHz) - The Wall Work In Progress
1981 Nick Mason's - Fictitious Sports
1983 Not Now John Vinyl 7 (UK 1983 HAR 5224)
1983 The Final Cut (Remaster EU 2007 Oh By The Way Boxset CD14 50999 511267 2 8, 511 2672)
1983 The Final Cut (US 1983 QC 38243)
1984 David Gilmour - About Face
1984 Rick Wright - Zee Identity
1984 Roger Waters - The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking
1986 Roger Waters - When The Wind Blows
1987 A Momentary Lapse Of Reason - [1987] [FLAC] - [2019] Remix
1987 Roger Waters - Radio K.A.O.S. (320)
1992 Roger Waters - Amused To Death
1994 High Hopes & Keep Talking (France 1994 CDM 881 777 2)
1994 Take It Back (Netherlands 1994 CDM 7243 8 81278 2 0)
1994 The Division Bell - (2014) [HD Tracks] 24.96 - (Japan 1994 SRCS 7324) - [UK 1994 Vinyl 24-96 EMD 1055]
1996 Rick Wright - Broken China
2002 Roger Waters - Flickering Flame
2004 Roger Waters - To Kill The Child & Leaving Beirut (Single)(320)
2005 Roger Waters - Ca Ira
2006 David Gilmour - Arnold Layne EP
2006 David Gilmour - On An Island
2006 Smile (1-Track EU Promo CD Single)(320)
2006 Smile (2-Track EU CD Single)(320)
2007 Roger Waters - Hello (I Love You)(Single)(192-320)
2010 The Orb and David Gilmour - Metallic Spheres
2014 The Endless River
1967-03-18 My Uncle Is Sick Because The Highway Is Green
1967-09-13 Starclub, Copenhagen
1967-09-25 BBC Playhouse Theater, London (BBC Sessions)
1967-10-30 Games for May - England
1967-11-13 Ahoy, Rotterdam, NL
1968-02-24 Bouton Rouge
1968-05-06 First European International Pop Festival, Piper Club, Rome
1968-05-23 Paradiso, Amsterdam (Late Show)
1968-07-27 Shrine Exposition Hall, Los Angeles
1968-12-28 Margriethal, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht
1968-12-28 Owed To Syd Barrett
1969-03-27 Saint James Hall, Chesterfield, England
1969-04-14 Royal Festival Hall, London
1969-04-27 Careful With These Tracks
1969-05-09 University Of Southampton, Hampshire, England
1969-06-22 Free Trade Hall, Manchester, England
1969-06-26 Royal Albert Hall, London
1969-08-08 The Journey Through the Past
1969-08-09 The Paradiso, Amsterdam - Celestial Instruments
1969-09-17 Amsterdam '69 (TSP-CD-052) 1990 [VBR]
1969-09-17 Complete Concertgebouw
1969-10-11 Song Days Festival, Essen
1969-10-19 Around the Mystic - London
1969-10-25 Interstellar Zappadrive - Mont de L'Enclus, Amougies, Belgium
1969-11-21 Montreux Switzerland
1969-12-06 Afan Lido Sports Center, Port Talbot, Wales
1969-71 Echoes Of Atom Heart Mother
1969-73 Rare & Live Tracks - 3cds
1970 - 1971 Eclipse (2001)
1970 Fat Old Gigs 4cd
1970 Pepperland In The West
1970-01-18 Fairfield Hall, Croydon, Surrey
1970-01-23 Hotel de Champs-Elysees a Paris, Paris
1970-02-11 Town Hall, Birmingham
1970-02-28 Refectory Hall, Leeds University, Leeds, Yorkshire
1970-03-12 A Trick of the Light
1970-03-13 The Injustice of a Kaleidoscope Sound
1970-03-14 Meistersinger Halle, Nuremberg
1970-03-15 Niedersachsenhalle, Hannover
1970-03-20 Akademiske Foreningens Store Sal, Lund, Sweden
1970-04-11 Gymnasium, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY
1970-04-22 Capitol Theater, Port Chester, NY
1970-04-29 [HRVCDR016] Interstellar Fillmore - San Francisco, CA
1970-04-30 [HRVCDR034] - KQED
1970-05-01 Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA
1970-06-27 Bath Festival Of Blues And Progressive, Shepton Mallet, Bath
1970-06-28 Holland Pop Festival, Kralingen, Rotterdam (JFE remaster)
1970-07-12 Open Air Pop Festival Aachen, Aachen Soerser Stadium
1970-07-16 Focus - Paris Theater, Regent Street, London, England - BBC FM
1970-07-16 Libest Spacement Monitor (TSP-CD-027 1989)
1970-07-16 Mooed Music - BBC Session Live, Paris Cinema, London
1970-07-18 Hyde Park, London
1970-08-08 Les Nuits Musicales, Saint Tropez (Pop 2 TV Show)
1970-09 & 1971-03 - Eclipse - APE
1970-09-12 Parc De Vincennes, Paris
1970-09-16 Pink Is The Pig (Live In London)
1970-09-16 Pink Floyd - Focus 1971 [FM]
1970-09-16 Playhouse Theatre, London
1970-09-16 Rhapsody In Pink (Italy 1990 LLRCD 044)
1970-09-26 Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA
1970-09-27 Fillmore East, New York City, NY (Early Show)
1970-10-17 Pepperland Auditorium, San Rafael, CA
1970-10-23 Creatures Of The Deep Disc 1-3
1970-10-23 Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, CA
1970-11-06 Mind Your Throats
1970-11-07 Grote Zaal, De Doelen, Rotterdam
1970-11-11 Conserthuset, Gothenburg
1970-11-12 Falkoner Centret, Fredriksberg, Copenhagen
1970-11-13 Vejlby Risskovhallen, Aarhus
1970-11-14 Ernst-Merck-Halle, Hamburg
1970-11-21 Smokin' Blues (Montreux Casino, Montreux )
1970-11-22 Altes Casino, Montreux - Swiss Made
1970-11-25 Fridrich Ebert Halle, Ebertpark, Ludwigshafen
1970-11-26 Messehallen, Stuttgart
1970-11-29 Circus Krone, Munich
1970-12-22 City Hall, Sheffield
1971 Atom Heart Mother Goes On The Road
1971-02-12 Lecture Theatre, University Of Essex, Colchester
1971-02-13 Students Union Bar, Technical College, Farnborough
1971-02-25 Grosser Saal, Musikhalle, Hamburg
1971-02-26 Stadthalle, Offenbach
1971-04-03 Oude Ahoy, Rotterdam
1971-05-15 Crystal Palace Garden Party, London
1971-05-18 Pathfoot Building Refectory, Stirling University
1971-06-04 Philips Veranstal Tungshalle, Dusseldorf
1971-06-05 Echoes - The Return of the Son of Nothing (West Berlin)
1971-06-05 Sportspallast, Berlin - Mauerspechte
1971-06-05 Vierundzwanzig Teile von Nichts (HRV-CDR-029)
1971-06-12 Palais Des Sports, Lyon
1971-06-19 Palazzo Delle Manifestazioni Artistiche, Brescia
1971-06-20 Palaeur, Rome
1971-06-26 Amstel Free Concert, Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam
1971-07-01 Ossiach Festival Stitschoff, Ossiach
1971-08-06 Hakone Aphrodite, Hakone, Japan
1971-08-09 Festival Hall, Osaka
1971-08-13 Festival Hall, Melbourne
1971-09-18 Live in Montreux
1971-09-23 KB Hallen, Copenhagen
1971-09-30 Meddled
1971-09-30 Meddler
1971-09-30 One Of These Days (TSP-CD-034 1989)
1971-09-30 Paris Cinema, London
1971-10-04 HRVCDR010 - Pompeii Rev B
1971-10-04 Live at Pompeii - Remains
1971-10-04 Pompeii (Remaster Netherlands PFP-A0118)
1971-10-04 to 07 In The Shadow Vesuvius - Italia
1971-10-04 Volcanic Destruction
1971-10-07 Live At Pompeii
1971-10-10 Great Hall, Bradford University, Bradford, Yorkshire
1971-10-16 The Eye of Agamotto - Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica
1971-10-17 Convention Hall, Community Concourse, San Diego
1971-10-17 From Oblivion
1971-10-17 Wind And Seabirds - Convention Hall, San Diego
1971-10-27 Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL
1971-10-28 Hill Auditorium, Ann Harbor, MI
1971-10-31 Fieldhouse University Of Toledo
1971-11-05 Hunter College - New York City, NY
1971-11-06 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
1971-11-10 Labyrinths - Pavillion De La Jeunesse, Quebec
1971-11-12 Irvine Auditorium, State University, Philadelphia, PA
1971-11-16 Something from Nothing
1971-11-16 The Return of the Sons of Nothing
1971-11-20 Embryonic Madness
1971-11-20 One Of Those Days
1971-11-20 Taft Auditorium, Cincinnati, OH
1971-11-20 Taft Auditorium, Cincinnati, OH (2-source blend)
1972-01-20 The Darkside Rehearsals - Brighton Dome, Brighton, England
1972-01-21 The Guildhall, Portsmouth
1972-01-22 Eclipse Of The Dark Side - Winter Gardens, Bournemouth (Recorder 2)
1972-01-22 The Dark Side Winter Gardens - Bournemouth (Recorder 1)
1972-01-23 Gathering On The Moon - The Guildhall, Southampton
1972-01-27 Waiting for The Moon - City Hall, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
1972-01-28 You Are Number Six - Refectory Hall, Leeds University, Leeds
1972-02-17 - Rainbow Tapes Day 1
1972-02-18 - Rainbow Tapes Day 2
1972-02-19 - Rainbow Tapes Day 3
1972-02-20 - Rainbow Tapes Day 4
1972-02-19 Finsbury Park - Disc 1
1972-02-20 Finsbury Park - Disc 1
1972-02-20 The Best Of Tour 72 (TSP-CD-049 1990) [VBR]
1972-03-06 Acid Moon - Taiikukan, Tokyo, Japan
1972-03-08 Natural Dark In Osaka. Japan
1972-03-09 Echoes From Osaka
1972-03-13 The Dark Side Of The Ice - Saporro, Japan
1972-03-13 The Great Gig On The Moon
1972-04-28 Chicago
1972-05-21 2nd British Rock Meeting - Germersheim, Germany
1972-06-28 Eclipsed By The Dome - Brighton [MP3]
1972-09-22 Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, CA
1972-09-22 Staying Home To Watch The Rain[VBR]
1972-10-21 The Oxfam Concert - London [MP3]
1972-11-15 Echoes Of The Past, Sporthalle Böblingen, Stuttgart, Germany
1972-11-15 The Great Gig In Böblingen
1972-12-01 Harsh Realities [Stereo Tweaked]
1972-12-09 - In a Neutral Land - Zurich - Suiça (FLAC)
1972-12-12 Across The Swiss Border
1972-73 Nebulosity
1972-73 The Great Gig In The Sky (UK Unofficial SSR 41925)
1973-03-06 The Valley Of The Kings
1973-03-11 Yeeshkul!
1973-03-14 Live Music Hall - Boston, MA
1973-03-15 Dark Soundboard of Philadelphia
1973-03-17 Dark Side of Radio City
1973-05-19 Supine in the Sunshine
1973-06-17 On Stage Saratoga NY
1973-06-20 Breaking Bottles In The Hall
1973-06-20 Merryweather Post Pavillion, Columbia, MD
1973-06-29 When You're In...Tampa
1973-10-13 Set The Controls... - Vienna [MP3]
1973-11-04 Obscured At The Rainbow [VBR]
1974-06-24 Shine On Paris
1974-11-15 Black Holes In The Sky
1974-11-15 Work in Progress
1974-11-16 BBC Archives (HRV CDR 033)
1974-11-16 No Room Upon The Hill
1974-11-16 Time In London
1974-11-16 Wembley MTX-V2
1974-11-16 Wembley Pre FM-Master
1974-11-16 Wembley Wizards
1974-11-17 Getting Better All The Time
1974-11-28 Empire Theatre
1974-12-09 Manchester Day '74
1974-12-14 Stairstep To Abandon - Bristol, England [Vinyl]
1975-04-08 Azimuth Coordinator Pt. 1
1975-04-13 Riding The Cow.Cow Palace,California,USA
1975-04-26 Cruel But Fair
1975-04-26 Dogs And Sheep
1975-04-27 Hogs in Smog
1975-04-27 Los Angeles, CA master
1975-06-15 Faster Jersey
1975-06-15 Jersey Not Mother
1975-06-16 Random Precision
1975-06-18 Boston Garden Matrix Version
1975-06-18 Boston Gardens
1975-06-18 Crazy Diamonds [VBR]
1975-06-18 Echoes In The Gardens
1975-06-22 Heavy Rain
1975-06-28 Master Reel - Ontario (RTR-DAT-Source 2) (flac)
1975-80 - Azimuth Coordinator 1975 a 1980 (6CD box 1998)
1977-01-05 Iron Pigs On Fire - Fort Worth, Texas
1977-01-23 - If Pigs Could Fly
1977-01-23 Bugger's Eyes
1977-01-29 Desk Pig In Berlin
1977-01-30 Absolut Floyd
1977-01-30 Hunting Animals - Berlin, Germany
1977-02-01 Test Flight - Vienna, Austria
1977-02-20 Animals In Belgium - Antwerpen [FLAC]
1977-02-20 Ducks On The Wall
1977-02-20 Thirteen
1977-02-22 Dragged Down By The Stone
1977-02-22 Pavillion de Pigs
1977-02-27 Animals On The Wing
1977-04-22 Hurricane Floyd Hits - Miami FL
1977-05-01 Iron Pigs On Fire
1977-05-09 Animal Instincts
1977-05-09 Mr Pig - Oakland [MP3]
1977-06-19 Chicago '77
1977-06-19 Soldier Field, Chicago, IL (1st gen Charly C.'s tape - source 1)
1977-06-27 Boredom and Pain (Boston Gardens)
1977-06-27 Boston Garden, Boston, MA - The Perfect Day (FLAC)
1977-06-27 Boston Garden, Boston, MA (Lampinski)
1977-06-27 Pink Floyd 1977-06-27
1977-07-01 Live at Madson Square Garden
1977-07-02 In the Grassland Away
1977-07-02 Live at Madson Square Garden
1977-07-02 Prog King - Madison Square Garden
1977-07-02 Welcome To The Machine
1977-07-03 Madson Square Garden - New York
1977-07-03 Pigs Might Fly
1977-07-04 Sheep Independence Day (FLAC)
1977-07-06 Azimuth Coordinator Pt. 2 - Last Animals
1977-07-06 Fire Works Show In The Canadian Walls
1977-07-06 Montreal
1977-07-06 Who Was Trained Not To Spit On The Fan
1980-01-01 The Wall Rehearsals 1980
1980-02-07 Azimuth Coordinator Pt. 3 - flac16
1980-02-08 Little Black Book With My Poems In
1980-02-27 The Wall Live In Nassau
1980-02-28 Nassau - Coliseum - NY
1980-08-09 Soundboard on the Wall - Earls Court, London, England
1980-1981 Is There Anybody Out There The Wall Live
1981-02-19 Tear Down The Wall
1981-02-20 The Sixth German Show-Westfalenhalle, Dortmund
1981-02-20 Westfallenhalle,Dortmund, Germany
1981-06-16 Earl's Court, London (Watching The World Upon The Wall)
1984-04-30 (Gilmour) Live At The Hammersmith Odeon (London )(320)
1984-05-22 (Gilmour) Beacon Theater - New York City-NY
1984-06-16&17 (Waters w. Clapton) Sidewinder (Stockholm)
1984-06-29 (Gilmour) New Game - Berkeley [FLAC]
1984-07-12 (Gilmour and Friends) In Floyd We Trust (320)
1984-07-12 (Gilmour) Westwood One Concert (48kHz)(320)
1984-07-18 (Waters) Eric the Player, Roger the Singer
1985-03-20 (Waters) Live Radio City Music Hall, NYC [FM]
1985-03-28 (Waters) Complete Hitch Hiking Perfomance
1987-09-16 Echoes By The Lake Disc 1-3
1987-09-19 Prism
1987-11-01 Live at the Orange Bowl, Miami
1987-11-07 (Waters) Goodbye Mr. Pink Floyd (Remaster)
1987-11-30 MONEY GOES WEST - (The Sports Arena - Los Angeles, California)
1988 Delicate Sound Of Thunder (UK 7914802)
1988-02-19 Live in Melbourne (SOUNDBOARD)
1988-02-19 Melbourne - Soundboard Recording
1988-02-19 Tennis Center, Melbourne
1988-07-08 Nothing Is Changed (Modena, Italy) [VBR]
1989-06-12 Globe Arena, Stockholm
1989-06-13 Globe Arena, Stockholm
1989-06-14 Globe Arena, Stockholm
1989-07-01 Palais Omnisport de Paris Bercy, Paris, France
1989-07-15 Live In Venice 1989 {FLAC]
1989-07-15 Venice, Grand Canal
1990 (Waters) The Wall - Live In Berlin
1990-06-30 Of Promises Broken
1990-06-30 The Knebworth Tales
1994-03-30 Miami - The Live Bell
1994-04-16 Your Favorite Disease
1994-04-21 Pigs Over The San Francisco Bay
1994-04-21 They're Blowin Me Away - Oakland Master DAT
1994-05-31 3 Pigs At 3 Rivers
1994-06-11 The Bell Gets Louder
1994-07-18 By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
1994-08-13 The Sound Surrounds
1994-09-04 Softly Spoken Magic Spells - Feyenoord [MP3]
1994-09-13 A Night In Italy
1994-09-13 A Passage Of Time
1994-09-15 Udine - Italy
1994-09-19 - The Nights Of Wonder
1995 Pulse
1995 Wish You Were Here Live (CDM 7243 8 82207 2 9)
2000 (Waters) In The Flesh (Live)
2001-06 2002-01 David Gilmour in Concert (320)
2002-03-05 (Waters) The Happiest Night of Our Lives - National Stadium, Santiago
2005-07-02 Live 8 Reunion
2006-03-07 (Gilmour) Mermaid Theatre - London
2006-03-19 (Gilmour) Regathering Our Senses - Heineken Music Hall, Amsterdam [FA025]
2006-05 (Gilmour) 2007 - Remember That Night
2006-07-29 Happy Birthday Dear Richard (Archive Konigsplatz Munich rec 4)
2006-08-26 (Gilmour) Live In Gdansk
2006-12-07 (Waters) Milan, Italy FM
2007 (Gilmour) 4 Tracks Live From Abbey Road (US Promo CD Single)(320)
2007-03-14 (Waters) 50000 Lunatics on The Grass Chile '07
2007-07-07 (Waters) Live Earth 2007
2008-06-15 (Gilmour) Ron's Psychedelic Supper Vol.2
2010-07-10 (Waters & Gilmour) The Hoping Foundation (320)
2010-09-15 (Waters) The Wall Live - Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON
2010-09-16 (Waters) The Wall Live - Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON
2010-09-18 (Waters) The Wall Live - Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON
2010-09-20 - Roger Waters - The Wall - Chicago [MP3]
2010-12-18 (Waters) Flickering Flames On The Wall - Palacio De Los Deportes, Mexico D.F
2010-12-19 (Waters) Flickering Flames On The Wall - Palacio De Los Deportes, Mexico D.F
2010-12-21 (Waters) Flickering Flames On The Wall - Palacio De Los Deportes, Mexico D.F
2011-03-25 (Waters) Madrid - Experimento
2011-05-15 (Waters) Live At O2 Arena, London, England
2017 Live at Pompeii [FLAC]
David_Gilmour - Live Tracks - MP3
1965 - Syd Barrett - Lucy Leave and Other Rarities [FLAC,Tracks]
1965-95 - Pinkie Milkie - Rarities Compilation
1966-67 London '66 - '67 (UK 1995 CDM SFMDP 3)
1966-67 Psychedelic Games for May
1966-71 Sophisticated Colours
1966-94 Early Flights Disc 1-10
1967 Reaction In G
1967-69 Music For Architectural Students
1967-71 Antiques- A Rare Collection of Oddities
1967-71 Antiques And Curios
1967-87 A CD Full Of Secrets
1968 Tonite Let's All Make Love in London OST
1968-69 The Embryo (TSP-CD-020 1989) [VBR]
1968-70 - Old Symphonies 1968-1970 - FM
1968-70 Ultra Rare Trax Vol. 1-3
1968-71 Spiral
1968-74 From Underground To The Moon
1969 - High Time
1969 - The Complete Zabriskie Point Sessions
1969-70 Omay Yad
1969-99 - Roger Waters - Rarities Vol 1-3
1970-71 - Syd Barrett - The Radio One Sessions
1971-72 Studio Outtakes & Demos
1972-06 From the Other Side (DSOTM Outtakes)
1975 - Tour Comic book
1975-76 Abbey Road to Britannia Row The Extraction Tapes (2014)
1978 The Wall- Under Construction
1978-79 Building The Wall
1979 Every Brick In The Wall (outtakes)
1980 - The Wall - Original Film Sessions 1980
1980 The Wall (Demos)
1982 The Final Cutting
1987 A Momentary Lapse of Reason Live Official Tour CD (Demonstration Not For Sale)
1987 One Slip CDM (UK 1987 CDEM 52)
1988 - A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (Official Tour CD)_flac
1990-05-02 - Roger Waters - The London Rehearsals 1990
1994 - Just Warmin Up - The Rehearsals in Tampa - 1994
Pink Floyd - Just Warming Up (Tampa 1994 )
1996 Pink Floyd & Friends - Interstellar Overdrive (Canada 1996 PS-NEMS 1001-2)
2001 Pink Underground
2005...A Desperate Attempt of Perfection
2010 - Roger Waters - Is It The Fifth
A Tree Full Of Secrets (18xCD Box Rarities)
Have You Got It Yet
2008 Have You Got It Yet v2
HYGIY v2.0 Vol. 1
Live Anthology
Roger Waters - Rarities Vol 1-3
Secret Rarities (2014
Star Profile - audio documentary
Variations on a Theme of Absence 8-CD
1965-72 The Early Years Limited Edition 10CD [FLAC]
1967 The First 3 Singles (Remaster UK 1997 7243 8 59895 2 0)
1967 The Syd Barrett Tapes
1967-11-17 The First Singles
1967-1973 - Anthology II [HL 325-326]
1967-68 Masters of Rock
1967-68 The Early Singles (EU 1992 0777 7 80572 2 2)
1967-71 The Complete BBC Sessions
1967-93 - Total Eclipse - A Retrospective 1967-1993 - Italy
1981 A Collection Of Great Dance Songs (Remaster Japan 2001 TOCP-65744)
1983 Works (US 1983 CDP 7 46478 2)
1988 - Syd Barrett - Opel
1992 - La Carrera Panamericana
1992 - Syd Barrett - Octopus
1995 - Greatest Hits 3 - Post Pink - 1995 - MP3.320kbps
1999 - Legendary Rock Stars - Greatest Hits
2001 - Echoes The Best Of Pink Floyd (US 2001 2xCD CDP 7243 5 36111 2 5)
2003 - Roger Waters - Flickering Flame (320)
2007 - David Gilmour - Take a Best (Bootleg)(320)
2007 - Greatest Hits - Star Mark - 320Kbps
2010 - Syd Barrett - An Introduction to Syd Barrett (2010)
2011 - CD Sampler - 2011
Syd Barrett - Wouldn't You Miss Me -The Best of Syd Barrett
1994 Dark Side Of The Moon -[Trance]
1994 Wish You Were Here [Trance]
1995 Meddle (Trance Remix)
1998 A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (Trance)
2000 Welcome to the Remix
2003 Easy Star All Stars - Dub Side of the Moon
2003-01-01 - The Floydian Propulsion Project
2004 Out There
2005 The Dark Side Of A Dream [320]
2006 DJ Fish Remixes
2006 Pink Floyd & Eric Prydz - Proper Education
2010 DSotM - Moon8 - 8 bits
1995 The London Philharmonic Orchestra - The Music Of Pink Floyd
2002 Pigs and Pyramids An Allstar Lineup Performing the Songs of Pink Floyd
2005 The Piano Tribute To Pink Floyd
2006 Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Pink Floyd
1988 - Audio Documentario - Star Profile
2002 - Wish Youd Been Here - The Pink Floyd Story - Radio BBC
1974 - Tour Comic - 1974
1976 - Songbook
1987 - Songbook (VictorF)
2000 - Guitar Tab Anthology
submitted by pslickhead to pinkfloyd [link] [comments]

Cardi B Reveals How Much Money She's Making from Every Summer Concert Gig

Cardi B is all about the money and she revealed just how much money she’s expected to pull in this summer at all of her concert gigs.
The 26-year-old rapper took to Instagram on Thursday night (July 11) and shared a spreadsheet showing the guaranteed money she’ll take home at every gig in June, July, and the beginning of August.
Cardi shared the breakdown to explain to fans why she hasn’t done a tour yet. Basically, she’s making more money in the festival and one-off concert gig circuit than she would with a full-fledged tour.
“I find it so funny that people that ARE NOT FANS have the biggest concerns on why haven’t I done a tour. Welp because here you go, let me break it down for you,” Cardi wrote in the since-deleted post. “Let’s say if I go on tour and I do 600K a night right… sounds good but let’s get in the touring business shall we? Stage production gotta be massive since the fans pay massive so just on stage and production I will have to put about 450K maybe more a night since you know Bardigang deserve everything. Don’t forget, outfit, makeup, hair, I’ll be left with like 150k a night.”
“Now why would I do that now when I can go on tour on my second album while I get festival and independent Cardi concerts. Money??? Mhhhhhmmmmmm… You see ya might think I’m dumb cause my attitude or the way I think but one thing bout Bardi I loveeeee money and I know how to make it …I hope I answer ya question …Thank you. Just stop it already,” she concluded.
You can see the breakdown below, which shows the guaranteed fee Cardi will get from each gig. Some of the shows have potentials for bonuses too.
6/15/19 at Palms Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, NV – $300,000 guarantee
6/16/19 at Bonnaroo in Manchester, TN – $400,000 guarantee
6/22/19 at BET Experience in Los Angeles, CA – $500,000 guarantee
6/28/19 at XO Cruise in Miami, FL – $350,000 guarantee
6/30/19 at Vestiville in Belgium – $750,000 guarantee plus private jet from USA
7/2/19 in Norway – $400,000 guarantee
7/3/19 at Roskilde Dyrskueplads in Roskilde, DK – $750,000 guarantee
7/5/19 at Wireless UK in London, UK – $750,000 guarantee
7/6/19 at Wireless Germany in Frankfurt A. Main, DE – $750,000 guarantee
7/7/19 at Longitude Festival in Dublin, IE – $750,000 guarantee
7/11/19 at Open Air Frauenfeld in Frauenfeld, CH – $900,000 guarantee
7/20/19 at Mid City State Fair in Paso Robles, CA – $750,000 guarantee
7/23/19 at BOK Center in Tulsa, OK – $450,000 guarantee
7/26/19 at Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, NE – $450,000 guarantee
7/27/19 at Target Center in Minneapolis, MN – $450,000 guarantee
7/30/19 at Bankers Life Arena in Indianapolis, IN – $450,000 guarantee
7/31/19 at John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville, VA – $450,000 guarantee
8/3/19 at Veld Music Festival in Toronto, ON – $500,000 guarantee
submitted by PM-me_your-areolas to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

Colorado breweries we've visited in the rest of the state: 2020 update

One more roundup before we leave, alas. Regions are still super approximate. I updated some previous rankings as well.
Tallies: 137 in the Denver metro; 66 in the rest of the Front Range; 33 in the rest of the state. We've visited a total of 236 breweries, cideries, and meaderies in Colorado.

The Rest of the Front Range

The Rest of Colorado (South, West, Central)

Current category tally: 33
submitted by xeinous to xpa [link] [comments]

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